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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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Daily writing prompt
What makes you nervous?

Why Am I Continuing to Be a Remote Work Entrepreneur Despite It Being H.A.R.D.?

Even though entrepreneurship as a remote worker scares me and makes me nervous, I am continuing to do it anyway because:

  • The success is mine all mine, just as much as any failure or hardship is mine when it happens.
  • My personal and professional growth has been accelerated by the constant challenges I face – facing my fears breeds growth. That’s very personally satisfying for me.
  • I am constantly learning and growing, and as a naturally curious person (aka a nerd), this is ideal for me mentally.
  • My time is mine all mine, sort of, I have a bit more flexibility than I would have as a new person in a new job.
  • I love being supportive as a coach/mentor to new agents and seeing their transformation and growth as they overcome their own fears and go after their goals. Honestly, this was one of my goals before I ever started this work, so fulfilling the goal of being a coach/mentor has been a win for me.

Why does remote work entrepreneurship make me nervous?

Remote Work Entrepreneurship is H.A.R.D. Everything falls on your own shoulders, both the good and the bad, the success and the failure. You are responsible for

List of Responsibilities for an Entrepreneur:

  • license, registration, or certification: if you do not remember to register, to renew, to re-certify, or whatever’s required for your business structure or contract, then your business could be in jeopardy
  • taxes: no one pays your taxes for you but you, and if you don’t pay now, you’ll pay a lot more later
  • invoicing: to make sure you actually get paid by your clients you have to do the work to submit the invoices to them in a timely manner
  • assets, equipment, and inventory: you have to make sure everything you need to keep the business up and running is taken care of or purchased in a timely manner to meet business needs
  • insurance: you have to make sure your business is protected in case of disaster or crime
  • bills: if you don’t pay them, they won’t get paid, and then your business could suffer and/or be shut down

Are you interested in a more detailed list of my actual bills, taxes, expenses, and other responsibilities as I continue my journey with a micro-small business as an Independent LiveOps agent? If you want to give me quick feedback, use this survey to give me feedback: