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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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Photo by Mike Enerio on Unsplash


I am grateful for the opportunities I’ve had to share via this WordPress blog. As you have noticed, my sharing shifted a lot last year because I found a new blogging home over on Medium. If you’d like to join me over there, here is the link:

Becoming a part of that expansive blogging community on Medium has expanded my readership and my writing in ways that were very unexpected and a huge blessing for me. So, I am shifting my blogging away from this WordPress blog to my medium blog. I hope you’ll join me over there, too.

Happy New Year!

Check out my latest article on how my perfectionism has gotten triggered by all the talk about new year’s resolutions and how I’ve learned to combat that old tendency.

To read the full article:

Use my friend link to access this article on medium – click here.


In addition to expanding my blogging during 2022, I also completed season 3 of the Plant Your Seeds of Transformation podcast show via youtube and most major podcast platforms, including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and many more. If you’d like to see who our guests were for season 3, you can check them out at, they included leaders who are black women or allies of black women. Our main topic of discussion for 2023 was centered around understanding what perfectionism can look like so you can keep it from stealing your life and love.

On A Personal Note

On a personal note, I’ve learned much more about myself and my community within the past 3 months than in a very long time because of the pressure/friction placed on me due to family crises and traumas. If you follow my personal Instagram reels, you’ll already know what happened. I am sharing here just briefly to encourage you to know that you don’t have to give up everything during a crisis, but it is ok for you to slow down, or pause, and take stock of things.

God bless you and your 2023. May you get and stay free in all areas where you need that, including staying free from perfectionism and its toxic impacts.