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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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Update: You can now buy the Small Biz Big Impact ebook here on this website.

This article gives you an overview of my Free* Amazon Kindle book called:

“Small Biz Big Impact But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World”

by Author Donna Marie Johnson


*Note: If you subscribe to Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program, it is available for free to you.

Watch the video to see the slideshow, and scroll down further to read informative and inspiring commentary along with each quote.

These excerpts of the book are designed to help you:

  • Discover some main ways small business leaders can make big impact.
  • Understand linkages between key leadership habits and your small business success.
  • Be inspired and empowered by a book created with small business leaders in mind.


#SmallBizBigImpact But How?

Here are excerpts from my book that discuss what it means to build up your small business with diversity, selfless service, humility, servant leadership, empowerment, faith, and hope & healing.


Just because you are a small business owner or entrepreneur does not mean that you cannot make a big impact, but you definitely cannot do your business the same way as larger organizations and stay sustainably successful.

“…with wise project management, entrepreneurs and small business owners can learn which resources and tools they can use, and which ones they can modify, to meet the same needs [as large organizations, but] more affordably for their own organizational culture development.”

Johnson, D. (2019, January 7). Small Biz Big Impact, But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World 


If you, your teammates, or your stakeholders have differences, that only serves as an advantage. Embrace that and learn to use those differences in ways no one else can.

“Studies were done within multicultural organizations to show the benefit of having a diverse group of individuals who contribute to the organizational culture, and therefore, to the organizational knowledge.”

Johnson, D. (2019, January 7). Small Biz Big Impact, But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World 


Being selfless is not the same as being a doormat. It must be guided by your personal relationship with Jesus Christ and your understanding the example He laid out for you in His Holy Word.

“Over time, your small business can build a platform based on selfless service, but all of this starts with you, the head leader in the business, developing a heart with a selfless service focus.”

Johnson, D. (2019, January 7). Small Biz Big Impact, But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World 


A personal relationship with Christ Jesus gives you a desire and thirst to know Him more and more so that you can humbly allow Him to lead your leadership choices.

“Quiet time alone in prayer, in Bible study, and in quiet Holy Spirit-led reflection are daily rituals that empower leaders to develop Christ-focused vision aligned with this truth [of humble servant leadership].”

Johnson, D. (2019, January 7). Small Biz Big Impact, But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World 


When serving others as your way of serving the Lord remains your focus, it prevents ethical and moral leadership problems for the top leadership and everyone else who serves within your organization.

“Primarily, the focus of biblical servant leadership on serving others as a way to serve Christ Jesus is perceived by followers as authentic leadership, which boosts their trust in and emulation of their leaders.”

Johnson, D. (2019, January 7). Small Biz Big Impact, But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World 


The most potent type of empowerment any entrepreneurial leader gives to their team is their example.

“After being purposely mentored and developed by their leaders, followers can succeed them as future leaders and mentors who serve first just as Christ served first, and just as it was emulated for them by their own leaders.”

Johnson, D. (2019, January 7). Small Biz Big Impact, But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World 


The most authentic form of servant leadership is coupled with deeply rooted faith in the one who was the author of servant leadership, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life for all human beings. In my book, I interviewed a christian business leader who shared about how his faith shapes his business.

“authentic servant leadership can have far reaching impact within and outside of a company by creating an environment that fosters change at all levels due to the love and trust that ensues”

Johnson, D. (2019, January 7). Small Biz Big Impact, But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World 


One of the most common ways small business leaders cause damage to their businesses and brands is in how they manage their people resources. In my book, I interviewed a christian business leader who shared about how his faith shapes how he manages his people.

“Humble leaders provide a supportive atmosphere for followers which gives them hope and brings healing.”

Johnson, D. (2019, January 7). Small Biz Big Impact, But How?: How Conscious Selfless Servants Impact the World 


If you’d like to discuss these topics in person or have questions, join me for upcoming events or contact me. You can see announcements about events and find my contact information on this blog and my social pages, including if you follow my Amazon Author page at… and the easiest way to remember is just to use my name: