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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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[UPDATE: Our usual annual free event series is now virtual for 2020 due to COVID-19, register today to get access to a free early bird gift. Click Here to Learn More: ]

Since the start of the pandemic, I started blogging here at Lead Like A Queen again to encourage and support small business leaders, especially those deemed as non-essential and forced to close down storefront or in-person operations. If you didn’t see previous articles, I encourage you to read and let me know how they helped you (or not). Your feedback means the world to me so that I can serve you better over time.

Previous 2020 Articles: * Transition in 2019 | * Helping Your Small Biz Stay Connected in 2020

As we are nearing the summer months, I long to see all non-essential small businesses emerge from this and begin to restart and recover. So, for a limited time I am offering myself as a supportive coach to get your small business through this pandemic, and, prayerfully, thriving even better after this epic season in world history has become a memory for us all.

Decide to Live in Hope. You Will Emerge. Get Support Today.


I have a coaching offer for small business leaders. I am a small business leadership development coach. My COVID-19 OFFERING is:

Complimentary 20-minute Pandemic Recovery Coaching sessions

This is for small business leaders who need support with making a plan for making it through this pandemic. (Expiration Date: 5/1/2020; 1 session per business leader; no other offers apply; free get acquainted session required first)


My primary goal for leadership coaching is to help you focus on what’s most important right now so you come out of the pandemic as a better small business leader than when you went in. My secondary goal is to support you with creating a viable, realistic baby-step plan for going forward and thriving over time.


As a leadership coach, I guide you and support you with your process. This requires for us to be acquainted with each other as a way to start building essential trust. So, before you schedule your complimentary coaching session, we can meet by phone for free and chat to get to know one another.

To Schedule Your Get Acquainted Session, Use The Calendar Widget Below:

I hope to talk with you soon.

(If you can’t see the widget with my calendly calendar shown above, then just go to


Donna Marie Johnson

Donna Marie Johnson, @leadlikeaqueen