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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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I started my business more than a decade ago, and started the official registered business eight years ago today. I am so grateful for all that I have learned during this time. I am also most grateful for the wonderful, beautiful-soul leaders, mostly authors and speakers, who I have been able to serve and support over the years.

testimonial about donna by lucinda

My goal for the next 8 years and beyond is to make greater impact on even more micro / solo small business leaders, so I wrote a book that includes an assessment to help them understand their strengths and weaknesses as leaders of their solo / micro small businesses. I am super focused on continuing to support authors and speakers because that is mostly who I’ve been supporting since before I registered my business.

One example is Lucinda Cross-Otiti, who I was able to support with creating a workbook that she could use to accompany her existing book at that time, along with her coaching events and online community. She and several other colleagues and clients very graciously left LinkedIn recommendations for me.

I highly recommend Donna as a consultant and trusted advisor for executing your projects and expanding your brand visibility.

Lucinda Cross-Otiti, Author / Speaker / Coach


Now, to help celebrate our 8th anniversary, I am offering free access to my interactive Strengths Journal. (This free offer ended on 8/15/2020.)

Identify your strengths. Celebrate them. Enhance them. Serve your audience better over time. Make bigger impact on the world.

8th anniversary blog header
My Gift is for You for My 8th Anniversary . Identify and Celebrate Your Strengths as an Author / Speaker. (expired 8/15/2020)

The reason why I wrote the book (Small Biz Big Impact But How?) is to help solo and micro small businesses understand (not just that they can but) HOW they can make big impact in the world. And the reason the assessment is in the book is to help you see where you already are doing well with these impactful actions, but to also see areas where you need to improve





Evenso, while working with clients over the years, I have seen the best and most meaningful impact for them came through understanding the areas where they are strongest so they can enhance those and make them even stronger. So, the free offer today, THE STRENGTHS INTERACTIVE JOURNAL, will help in this area.

This journal can support you as you continue serving your audience selflessly and help you be an even greater gift to them. Even though understanding your weaknesses has a place of importance, the focus of this journal is to help foster awareness of your strengths along with invoking gratefulness and motivating you to celebrate what works. When you focus on your strengths in this way, it is powerful to help you move forward with unparalleled momentum.

YOU are the best gift to the audience you have been serving, so get stronger in your strengths and make a bigger impact.

I would love to give you complimentary access so that you can see which strong areas you can enhance in your solo or micro small business leadership so that you can get even better results for making bigger impact on the world.

Would you mind taking a quick one question poll in exchange for free access to the interactive journal? (expired 8/15)

Go to this link (click here) to take the quick poll and claim your free interactive strengths journal.

In addition to helping established authors and speakers look back and understand their strengths based on past results, the strengths journal and accompanying assessment can help newer leaders establish a starting point (a baseline) so that overtime they can track their progress as they keep enhancing their strengths. Periodically, they can look back at their previous journal entries and see what is the same or what has changed. This will help them to stay grateful and to keep celebrating their progress and building momentum.

If you know an author or speaker who is just getting started, would you share this offer with them?

How to Share? Just click on the sharing buttons on this website or just reshare from one of my social media posts.

Thank you for reading, and God bless you.

Donna Marie Johnson use your voice responsibly
Donna Marie Johnson. Use your voice (and vote) responsibly.