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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter and brighter for…

*finishing degree

*finding new team members for the personal care side of our team

*revamping and rebooting the Lead Like A Queen events (after the New Year)

As I said in the previous article about my New Season of Service in Newnan, this has been a good time for growing trust in Divine Guidance every step of the way with each area of life and business. In the past, I’ve been very impatient with my process, and it has ruined my enjoyment of my journey. So, I am enjoying the journey this time, and it’s very refreshing.

Trusting Divine Guidance helps me give myself permission to rest, and this restfulness mindset infuses a different flavor into the journey this time around. God is good to me, and it tastes so good. I am grateful that not only am I seeing the light, but I am feeling lighter, too.

One part of my process that’s different is that I have a rest coach who has been helping me to develop my restfulness mindset. As a caregiver, I have learned that neglecting myself and not getting enough rest is not just unhealthy, but deadly. Unfortunately, I have watched other caregivers literally work themselves into their early graves (this includes my own father). I made a decision to learn from their mistakes.

In the future, I hope to share more about my journey as a young spousal caregiver and to encourage other young spousal caregivers, especially those who are also still raising children. There are so many dynamics at play when you’re still raising a family while you’re caregiving. This is not the time for me to get into that, but I plan to share more in the future.

Finally, because I am in the home stretch to finish my degree, I will not be posting as much online for the rest of this year. However, I plan to come back next year stronger and with much more focus. So, for now, check out the archived blog articles, past videos and podcasts, and follow me on most social media under the alias @leadlikeaqueen and on LinkedIn under my name. To make it easy to find my social media pages, use the one page profile I created at the link in my signature below.

Thank you for reading. God bless you.

~ Donna Marie Johnson