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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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[UPDATE: Program is no longer available, but I have other good news for you… read below. ]

I am truly grateful for my experience as an administrative assistant over the past 20+ years and as a virtual assistant (VA) in the marketing arena over the past decade. It has enabled me to continue using my marketing skills and to keep learning and improving because marketing changes pretty much every day due to constant technology changes. This has helped me in my business as a coach and consultant. I have been able to train other entrepreneurs and support them with moving their projects forward [See testimonials].


And now I am using my VA experience as a coach for VA’s and a mentor to remote workers. I am no longer doing any VA training, just VA coaching, but I can refer you to an awesome ~VA certification program that can support you with actually gaining clients.

Old News

Starting Tuesday 9/21, I will be starting the first weekly VA training with my VA interns who will reimburse me for their training by working as unpaid interns. This is a great way for them to get experience as they learn, while also helping me to keep improving my business without continuing to do everything all on my own. This is the manifestation of something that’s been in my heart for years. If you cannot tell, I am very excited about this and looking forward to building my team of interns.

If you’d like to apply for an internship position, please go to my one page profile and request an appointment at this link:

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Is there a fee for the VA training program?
    • VA Interns, after agreeing to do unpaid work for an hour for every hour of training they participate in, will receive a 100% coupon discount for training.
    • If non-interns want to attend the training, yes there is a fee.
  • How do I apply to be a VA intern?
    • Schedule an interview appointment with Donna.
    • This internship program is no longer offered, please see the VA certification link shared in the article above.
  • What kind of work do VA’s do?
    • In general, a virtual assistant (VA) can do a variety of things from replying to emails to searching google for information and more.
    • Specifically, my VA interns have the opportunity to get training and do work that aligns with the work that I do. At this time, my focus is on the volunteer work I am doing as a support group founder for spousal caregivers.


*Note: Affiliate Links are included in my website so that I can be compensated for referring my audience to awesome services, books, and products that I have used and that I have received value from. If you choose to click and use them for yourself, thank you in advance for trusting me and for supporting my business.