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Donna Marie Johnson

Book #SmallBizBigImpact

Small Biz Big Impact, But How? by Donna Marie Johnson - 2nd Ed. in Paperback

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If you would like to become a mentor or to be mentored by a mentor, let me know by registering in the contact form below. I or someone from my team will be in touch regarding upcoming events and information about this program. Also, read the FAQ’s below, and submit any questions you have about the program when you register. We will keep growing the FAQ list with answers to your questions.

Use the updated article (see link near the top of this article) to learn how to join the community and receive mentorship.


What is a remote worker?

This could be a woman who has been working as a contractor (self-employed, 1099 worker) or who has a small business such as a virtual assistant or marketing freelancer.

What is a mentor versus a mentee? Who does what and how?

According to Ambition in Motion, horizontal mentorship is where both the mentor and the mentee give and receive wisdom, knowledge, and encouragement reciprocally. It’s more like a friendship and less like an autocratic relationship than some of the older more traditional mentorship styles based in toxic power dynamics.

What is a resource where I can learn more about what mentorship can look like for women of color?

Diversity in Best Practices has provided a recording of their webinar “Candid Advice on Mentoring Women of Color“. They give excellent advice that aligns with some of the things that I know as a professional coach. I highly recommend

How can we learn more about ourselves and understand ourselves better?

You can use assessments to help understanding yourself better. Check out the CloverLeaf app and sign up for free to try out an assessment for yourself.